Consider the circuit-switched network shownin the figure below, with circuit switches A, B, C, and D. Supposethere are 11 circuits between A and B, 10 circuits between B and C,13 circuits between C and D, and 12 circuits between D and A. Whatis the maximum number of connections that can be ongoing in thenetwork at any one time? (Explain your answer) Suppose that thesemaximum number of connections are all ongoing. What happens whenanother call connection request arrives to the network, will it beaccepted? Answer Yes or No (Explain your answer) Suppose that everyconnection requires 2 consecutive hops, and calls are connectedclockwise. For example, a connection can go from A to C, from B toD, from C to A, and from D to B. With these constraints, what isthe is the maximum number of connections that can be ongoing in thenetwork at any one time? (Explain your answer) Suppose that 16connections are needed from A to C, and 16 connections are neededfrom B to D. Can we route these calls through the four links toaccommodate all 32 connections? Answer Yes or No (Explain youranswer)