The Membership table is a listof all members’ personal information and their membership status.Each member is identified by a unique Member ID.
The Status table lists the different possible membership statustypes available (Junior, Senior, or Regular) and the yearly duesassociated with that status. Each status is identified by a uniqueStatus ID.
The Payments table lists payments made by the members. Eachpayment is uniquely identified by a PaymentID.
The Charges table lists charges incurred by the membersincluding a field that identifies the description of the charge.Each charge is uniquely identified by a ChargeID.
The Prospects table is a listing of all prospects that currentmembers have been trying to recruit, the date the prospect wascontacted, and the Member ID of the current member who tried torecruit them. Each prospect is uniquely identified by aProspectID.
The Charge Description table is a listing of the different typesof charges a member can post to their account. Each description isuniquely identified by a DescriptionID.
Query 1 Write a query to summarize by MemberID,the number of prospects for Lee Trevino or the number of prospectsfor Robert Johnson. List the MemberID, Member Last name, and theirnumber of prospects.
Query 2 Write a query to summarize by MemberID,their average payment between May 9, 2017 and June 1, 2017. Listthe MemberID and their average payment.
Query 3 All members will receive a 10% discounton their total charges. Write a query to summarize by MemberID theDiscounted charge (name the field Discounted Charge). List theMemberID, StatusID, member’s first name, last name, the totalcharges and the discounted charge. Format the new Discounted Chargefield to Currency.
Query 4 Write a query to display the number ofmembers who live in Ohio. List only the number of members.